Architecture Keystone Voussoir

The central voussoir is called the keystone. The TITLE: Western architecture SECTION: Construction a semicircle) and flat arches were used freely. The Glossary of Medieval Art and Architecture. voussoir: One of the wedge-shaped stones used in constructing an arch. See also: arch, archivolt. Types of voussoirs: key blocks are called voussoirs. Each voussoir must be precisely cut so that it presses firmly against the surface of neighbouring blocks and conducts loads uniformly. Glossary of Medieval Art and Architecture. keystone: The voussoir at the top of an arch; in vaulting it occurs at the intersection of the ribs of a rib vault.

Architecture Keystone Voussoir
Architecture Keystone Voussoir
Architecture Keystone Voussoir3Architecture Keystone VoussoirArchitecture Keystone Voussoir2Architecture Keystone Voussoir1

The keystone is surrounded on each side by voussoirs, or wedge-shaped bricks or stones. The term voussoir comes from French and Latin roots meaning "to turn." A curving triangular section beneath a dome that carries the weight from the circular base down to a square formed by the walls is called a _____.

Architecture Keystone Voussoir1
Architecture Keystone Voussoir

keystone — The central wedge-shaped voussoir (stone segment) located at the apex of an in arch or vault. back to top: home voussoir Each of the stone keystone Wedge-shaped stone in the center of an arch whose function is to balance the network of voussoirs. English French Visual

Architecture Keystone Voussoir2
Architecture Keystone Voussoir

From them, the Romans learned the use of the keystone arch, which enabled them to build extremely strong and durable structures. To create a voussoir arch, Voussoir stones of an arch. Keystone from the palazzo Borgazzi (Milan, Italy) The keystone shape is also used on Pennsylvania's state route markers. Gallery

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Architecture Keystone Voussoir

Architecture Keystone Voussoir4
Architecture Keystone Voussoir

Architecture Keystone Voussoir5
Architecture Keystone Voussoir

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